Austin Seven Club of WA
Our Adventures
January 2023
Perth to Harvey, Oct 2022
The annual Harvey Weekend at the Myalup Pines was again a great event in 2022. Setting off from Armadale, we followed (or missed) instructions which took us through the backroads and some beautiful scenery as we travelled to Harvey thanks to Hugh Fryer's diligence and commitment to an enjoyable run for everyone. A scrumptious lunch was provided by Lyn and Paul Egerton-Green and, once again, Paul outdid himself with an afternoon of interesting and fun education. Off to the Old Coast Road Brewery for a quick ale or two or three before many booked into the Myalup Pine Cottages for the night. Lyn and her helpers prepared a delicious evening barbecue meal which was followed by a presentation of photos on a large screen, videos of recent racing Austins, and anecdotes and camaraderie until the wee hours.
Christmas Run & Lunch 2022
Our Adventures Further Afield
2022 welcomed the 100 year celebrations of the Austin Seven, and Warrnambool in Victoria held the National Celebrations in Australia. Cars were towed over from Perth, dealing with road trains and other road hazards, and much fun was had along the way. There is truly so much to see on such a journey, including the scenery, towns and settlements, wildlife and wonderful hidden gems of interest. Once in Warrnambool, we met up Austins Seveners from around Australia and a few from overseas, including New Zealand, UK and South Africa. The final night is a themed night and we got into the spirit with our pirates and wenches costumes - what great fun it was. Therre was also the opportunity for a few chosen cars to recreate the era in a historic town near Warrnambool and the black and white pics are stunning.